Details of Registration

All registered participants will be listed in Registered participants, in case that you will need official letter confirming, that you registered for conference, please send request to

Conference fee is sponsored by VŠB- Technical University of Ostrava.

 Conference fee

Early Bird  -

before March 15, 2021


after March 15, 2021

Regular Fee - Presenting Author 

50 EUR (1.300 CZK) 

 70 EUR (1.800 CZK)

Student - Presentin Author

30 EUR (800 CZK)

 30 EUR (800 CZK)

Participant without presentation

free after registration

 free after registration

Company representatives

 on request   on request


Conference registration fee includes:

  • Conference pouch includes the abstract booklet and copy of final scientific programme
  • Presentation and/or poster in selected section
  • Conference proceedings processing fee 

Students fee condition:

  • please provide document confirming that you are student (attach scanned version in Registration Form),
  • applicable if student will submit own conference paper as first author or corresponding 

Students grant condition:

  • to fulfill students conditions mentioned above, 
  • the abstract should be send to conserning the instruction in page Conference papers for students grant competition , 
  • should be send by March 15, 2021, 

 Participant without presentation conditions:

  • participation in the conference after full registration for free,
  • such participant has no option to present or publish proceeding related to the conference, 
  • registered participant will obtain link via e-mail to attend conference presentations online.

Payment Details 

Account number for payments in CZK

Bank ČSOB a.s., Hollarova 5, 702 00 Ostrava, Czech Republic
Account name Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita Ostrava
Account number 127 089 559/0300 
Account variable symbol 7302101
IBAN CZ23 0300 0000 0001 2708 9559 

Additional Information: Please, include surname of participant to this note



Account number for payments in EUR

Bank ČSOB a.s., Hollarova 5, 702 00 Ostrava, Czech Republic
Account name Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita Ostrava
Account number 1017371603/0300 
Account variable symbol 7302101
IBAN CZ37 0300 0000 0010 1737 1603 

Additional Information: Please, include surname of participant to this note


Company Representatives Fee

Please contact organization committee for details and options of presentation. Below two examples of basic options of company presentation. 


Regular  300 EUR (8.000 CZK)

Company listed in the Conference Abstracts and Program booklets; company logo on NanoOstrava website & Hyperlink to Company homepage.

Oral presentation at the conference .


Extra  700 EUR (18.000 CZK)

Company listed in the Conference Abstracts and Program booklets company logo on NanoOstrava website & Hyperlink to Company homepage. 

Video advertising running during coffee break.

Up to 2 oral presentation at the conference .



uživatelský obsah - vždy jako první článek - nemazat!!!




 17 - 20 May 2021